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Chapter III – Organisation of ENISA (Art. 13-28)

Art. 13 CSA - Structure of ENISA arrow_right_alt

Art. 14 CSA - Composition of the Management Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 15 CSA - Functions of the Management Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 16 CSA - Chairperson of the Management Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 17 CSA - Meetings of the Management Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 18 CSA - Voting rules of the Management Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 19 CSA - Executive Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 20 CSA - Duties of the Executive Director arrow_right_alt

Art. 21 CSA - ENISA Advisory Group arrow_right_alt

Art. 22 CSA - Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group arrow_right_alt

Art. 23 CSA - National Liaison Officers Network arrow_right_alt

  1. The Management Board, acting on a proposal from the Executive Director, shall set up a National Liaison Officers Network composed of representatives of all Member States (National Liaison Officers). Each Member State shall appoint one representative to the National Liaison Officers Network. The meetings of the National Liaison Officers Network may be held in different expert formations.
  2. The National Liaison Officers Network shall in particular facilitate the exchange of information between ENISA and the Member States, and shall support ENISA in disseminating its activities, findings and recommendations to the relevant stakeholders across the Union.
  3. National Liaison Officers shall act as a point of contact at national level to facilitate cooperation between ENISA and national experts in the context of the implementation of ENISA’s annual work programme.
  4. While National Liaison Officers shall cooperate closely with the Management Board representatives of their respective Member States, the National Liaisons Officers Network itself shall not duplicate the work of the Management Board or of other Union forums.
  5. The functions and procedures of the National Liaisons Officers Network shall be specified in ENISA’s internal rules of operation and shall be made public.
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  • 27

Recital 27

ENISA should support Member States in the field of cybersecurity awareness-raising and education by facilitating closer coordination and the exchange of best practices between Member States. Such support could consist in the development of a network of national education points of contact and the development of a cybersecurity training platform. The network of national education points of contact could operate within the National Liaison Officers Network and be a starting point for future coordination within the Members States.

Art. 24 CSA - Single programming document arrow_right_alt

Art. 25 CSA - Declaration of interests arrow_right_alt

Art. 26 CSA - Transparency arrow_right_alt

Art. 27 CSA - Confidentiality arrow_right_alt

Art. 28 CSA - Access to documents arrow_right_alt