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Chapter III – Due diligence obligations for a transparent and safe online environment (Art. 11-48)

Art. 11 DSA - Points of contact for Member States’ authorities, the Commission and the Board arrow_right_alt

Art. 12 DSA - Points of contact for recipients of the service arrow_right_alt

Art. 13 DSA - Legal representatives arrow_right_alt

Art. 14 DSA - Terms and conditions arrow_right_alt

Art. 15 DSA - Transparency reporting obligations for providers of intermediary services arrow_right_alt

Art. 16 DSA - Notice and action mechanisms arrow_right_alt

Art. 17 DSA - Statement of reasons arrow_right_alt

Art. 18 DSA - Notification of suspicions of criminal offences arrow_right_alt

Art. 19 DSA - Exclusion for micro and small enterprises arrow_right_alt

Art. 20 DSA - Internal complaint-handling system arrow_right_alt

Art. 21 DSA - Out-of-court dispute settlement arrow_right_alt

Art. 22 DSA - Trusted flaggers arrow_right_alt

Art. 23 DSA - Measures and protection against misuse arrow_right_alt

Art. 24 DSA - Transparency reporting obligations for providers of online platforms arrow_right_alt

Art. 25 DSA - Online interface design and organisation arrow_right_alt

Art. 26 DSA - Advertising on online platforms arrow_right_alt

Art. 27 DSA - Recommender system transparency arrow_right_alt

Art. 28 DSA - Online protection of minors arrow_right_alt

Art. 29 DSA - Exclusion for micro and small enterprises arrow_right_alt

Art. 30 DSA - Traceability of traders arrow_right_alt

Art. 31 DSA - Compliance by design arrow_right_alt

Art. 32 DSA - Right to information arrow_right_alt

Art. 33 DSA - Very large online platforms and very large online search engines arrow_right_alt

Art. 34 DSA - Risk assessment arrow_right_alt

Art. 35 DSA - Mitigation of risks arrow_right_alt

Art. 36 DSA - Crisis response mechanism arrow_right_alt

Art. 37 DSA - Independent audit arrow_right_alt

Art. 38 DSA - Recommender systems arrow_right_alt

Art. 39 DSA - Additional online advertising transparency arrow_right_alt

Art. 40 DSA - Data access and scrutiny arrow_right_alt

Art. 41 DSA - Compliance function arrow_right_alt

Art. 42 DSA - Transparency reporting obligations arrow_right_alt

Art. 43 DSA - Supervisory fee arrow_right_alt

  1. The Commission shall charge providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines an annual supervisory fee upon their designation pursuant to Article 33.
  2. The overall amount of the annual supervisory fees shall cover the estimated costs that the Commission incurs in relation to its supervisory tasks under this Regulation, in particular costs related to the designation pursuant to Article 33, to the set-up, maintenance and operation of the database pursuant to Article 24(5) and to the information sharing system pursuant to Article 85, to referrals pursuant to Article 59, to supporting the Board pursuant to Article 62 and to the supervisory tasks pursuant to Article 56 and Section 4 of Chapter IV.
  3. The providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines shall be charged annually a supervisory fee for each service for which they have been designated pursuant to Article 33.

The Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing the amount of the annual supervisory fee in respect of each provider of very large online platform or of very large online search engine. When adopting those implementing acts, the Commission shall apply the methodology laid down in the delegated act referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article and shall respect the principles set out in paragraph 5 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 88.

  1. The Commission shall adopt delegated acts, in accordance with Article 87, laying down the detailed methodology and procedures for:
    1. the determination of the estimated costs referred to in paragraph 2;
    2. the determination of the individual annual supervisory fees referred to in paragraph 5, points (b) and (c);
    3. the determination of the maximum overall limit defined in paragraph 5, point (c); and
    4. the detailed arrangements necessary to make payments.

When adopting those delegated acts, the Commission shall respect the principles set out in paragraph 5 of this Article.

  1. The implementing act referred to in paragraph 3 and the delegated act referred to in paragraph 4 shall respect the following principles:
    1. the estimation of the overall amount of the annual supervisory fee takes into account the costs incurred in the previous year;
    2. the annual supervisory fee is proportionate to the number of average monthly active recipients in the Union of each very large online platform or each very large online search engine designated pursuant to Article 33;
    3. the overall amount of the annual supervisory fee charged on a given provider of very large online platform or very large search engine does not, in any case, exceed 0,05 % of its worldwide annual net income in the preceding financial year.
  2. The individual annual supervisory fees charged pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall constitute external assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(5) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1).
  3. The Commission shall report annually to the European Parliament and to the Council on the overall amount of the costs incurred for the fulfilment of the tasks under this Regulation and the total amount of the individual annual supervisory fees charged in the preceding year.

(1) Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

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  • 101

Recital 101

The Commission should be in possession of all the necessary resources, in terms of staffing, expertise, and financial means, for the performance of its tasks under this Regulation. In order to ensure the availability of the resources necessary for the adequate supervision at Union level under this Regulation, and considering that Member States should be entitled to charge providers established in their territory a supervisory fee to in respect of the supervisory and enforcement tasks exercised by their authorities, the Commission should charge a supervisory fee, the level of which should be established on an annual basis, on very large online platforms and very large online search engines. The overall amount of the annual supervisory fee charged should be established on the basis of the overall amount of the costs incurred by the Commission to exercise its supervisory tasks under this Regulation, as reasonably estimated beforehand. Such amount should include costs relating to the exercise of the specific powers and tasks of supervision, investigation, enforcement and monitoring in respect of providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines, including costs related to the designation of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines or to the set up, maintenance and operation of the databases envisaged under this Regulation.

It should also include costs relating to the set-up, maintenance and operation of the basic information and institutional infrastructure for the cooperation among Digital Services Coordinators, the Board and the Commission, taking into account the fact that in view of their size and reach very large online platforms and very large online search engines have a significant impact on the resources needed to support such infrastructure. The estimation of the overall costs should take into account the supervisory costs incurred in the previous year including, where applicable, those costs exceeding the individual annual supervisory fee charged in the previous year. The external assigned revenues resulting from the annual supervisory fee could be used to finance additional human resources, such as contractual agents and seconded national experts, and other expenditure related to the fulfilment of the tasks entrusted to the Commission by this Regulation. The annual supervisory fee to be charged on providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines should be proportionate to the size of the service as reflected by the number of its active recipients of the service in the Union. Moreover, the individual annual supervisory fee should not exceed an overall ceiling for each provider of very large online platforms or of very large online search engines taking into account the economic capacity of the provider of the designated service or services.

Art. 44 DSA - Standards arrow_right_alt

Art. 45 DSA - Codes of conduct arrow_right_alt

Art. 46 DSA - Codes of conduct for online advertising arrow_right_alt

Art. 47 DSA - Codes of conduct for accessibility arrow_right_alt

Art. 48 DSA - Crisis protocols arrow_right_alt