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Chapter V – Staff (Art. 34-37)

Art. 34 CSA - General provisions arrow_right_alt

Art. 35 CSA - Privileges and immunity arrow_right_alt

Art. 36 CSA - Executive Director arrow_right_alt

Art. 37 CSA - Seconded national experts and other staff arrow_right_alt

  1. ENISA may make use of seconded national experts or other staff not employed by ENISA. The Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants shall not apply to such staff.
  2. The Management Board shall adopt a decision laying down rules on the secondment of national experts to ENISA.
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Recital 21

In order to be able to provide adequate support to the operational cooperation between Member States, ENISA should further strengthen its technical and human capabilities and skills. ENISA should increase its know-how and capabilities. ENISA and Member States, on a voluntary basis, could develop programmes for seconding national experts to ENISA, creating pools of experts and staff exchanges.